Celebrating You!

WOW!!!  Do you hear me?  WOW!!!  I REALLY enjoyed reading your comments from Wednesday’s post entitled “Who Am I?”  If you missed it, it’s certainly not too late to join in the fun and let me know a little about you.

Thus far, I’ve had 4 beautiful women share a little about themselves including some of their wonderful dreams.  I had another post scheduled to run today, but I was so excited to hear from you ladies that I just had to stop and celebrate you today!  Friday just seemed like a good day for it, don’t you think? 🙂

Let’s see now, I’ve learned some favorite colors – 2 RED-lovin’ women of God and another who feels pretty in PINK, like me.  Then we have one beautiful sister (who just happens to be MY beautiful sister) who has no favorite taste on the rainbow.  Since she’s my sis, I happen to know that she wears all colors well, so I guess a favorite really isn’t necessary, now is it?  Did you all notice that the favorite colors are red or some variation thereof.  “….for her price is far above rubies.”  (Proverbs 31:10, KJV) Yep!  I think that’s why! 😉  Love it!

I noticed the ladies chose to play it safe by sharing their favorite colors and their visions and dreams (of course sharing your visions and dreams often requires its own leap of faith).  Apparently, not even a ten foot pole could place a sufficient distance between them and that AGE!  LOL!!  Just kidding!  Alas, one brave soul was unashamed to proclaim she’s recently reached the end of that “rapidly unraveling rope” that I lovingly referred to as my 30’s.  Good for you, Ms. “Flying Solo“.  Sounds like you’re wearing 40 well, my friend!

What touched me most about their comments were the varied visions and dreams with the common denominator of being all they were designed to be for the glory of God.  And this is what I want to pray for:

Father, thank you for  Miss “Foto Bella”, Elisa, Marcia, and Ms “Flying Solo”.  My heart is so excited about the visions and dreams you’ve placed in their hearts and minds.  Some are completely certain of their direction; others want to be sure you approve, so Lord make Your perfect will for the lives of each of these women crystal clear to them.

I thank you for Miss “Foto Bella’s” heart to run her own business.  I personally know she’s a gifted photographer, as well!  Bless her gifts and her desire to be a business owner, according to your will, Lord.  Order her steps.  Above all, continue to prepare her for that thing that is dearest to Your heart – covenant!

Lord, Elisa has a heart to use her knowledge of all things financial to educate women on stewardship of wealth and investments.  Give her clarity of Your will and your perfect timing.  Help her to discern times and seasons.  At Your appointed time, bless the works of her hands.

Father, Marcia, my sister, has a passion/dream to be a successful entrepreneur.  In the midst of their diligent work toward this goal, she and her husband are preparing for parenthood ROUND ONE!  Bless them, Lord!  Help her to know that she’s walking out the words that You spoke before she was formed in her mother’s womb.  The wisdom she needs for parenting, for entrepreneurship, and for leading others to know You and love You as she does comes from Christ who LIVES within her.  It’s all for Your glory, Lord!

Lord, last but certainly not least, Ms. “Flying Solo” has the most humble vision/dream of breaking through barriers that were not erected by You to become the woman of Your original design.  Without question, I am confident that this IS Your perfect will for her life, and I just thank you for Your will being done.

Becoming the woman of Your original design is Your perfect will for the lives of each woman who commented on this blog, each woman of Full Circle Women’s Fellowship, each woman on this earth!  Today, we say to you that we are as Mary, mother of Christ, “may it be done to me (to us) according to Your word.” (Luke 1:38, NASB)  Amen!

There’s absolutely no more to be said for this beautiful Friday except…HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!

Wise, Virtuous, Valuable,

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sandra W. Thompson
    Aug 20, 2010 @ 11:43:28

    Hey Monica
    I want to give God praise, for setting me free from all the lies I was told be satan in the past. I was told that I would never amount to anything, why would anyone love you. you’re dumb etc.
    But God, spoke to me tnd told me different, I had to change the way I talked and change what I though about myself. He told me how could I love others if I didn’t love me.
    I give all praise to my God for settting me free from my past, and making me into who I am today.
    I know who I am and whose I am, Now I can say that I truly love others because I love myself.
    He has given me the gift of encouragement to up lift the body of Christ, God is no respect of persons. What he did for me he will do for others, all they need to do is recieve.
    What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for my good and the good of others.


  2. Sandra W. Thompson
    Aug 20, 2010 @ 12:39:37

    I love the color red, pink, blue:
    The Lord gave me this scripture Isaiah 61:1-3 a few years ago, my prayer is as the Lord leads me through the Holy Spirit I will do what he has called me to do.


  3. Sandra W. Thompson
    Aug 26, 2010 @ 08:38:57

    New website


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