Save the Date

Save the Date

Writing isn’t coming as easy for me as I’d like these days. So, to write this post I had to go “old school”. I had to go back to basics, back to my first love, back to a method I haven’t used in a LONG time. I began this post in a notebook. Yes, it was a wild west type show down between me and my pen and a blank piece of wide-ruled paper. Desperate times call for desperate measures, my friends, and it was about to get ugly.

I used to write music reviews. When I first started I could not sit in front of my laptop and tap out a review. I don’t know why, but I had to put pen to paper first – you know, get the ink flowing before my fingers could do any walking.

Over time, however, I began whipping out reviews with no scratch paper in sight. Although, I’m still very on the record about my ongoing love affair with pen and paper, it was pretty neat, to me, to see the growth and transition take place. Today, I had to return to my first writing love.

Now that I’ve given you a little of my writing back story, I’ll move on to the main reason I’m here.

It’s coming.

What’s coming?

I’m glad you asked.

Remember all the redecorating I’ve mentioned over the past many months. You know, I bought a new home, but I hadn’t furnished and decorated yet, so I was all torn about entertaining guests. I’ve probably been talking about it for more like years than months. Well….it’s almost finished, and I’m SO EXCITED!

On the day my dad died, I received an email from the designer that contained the first set of design samples for our new place. I can still picture me, lying in bed desperately trying to occupy my mind by viewing these blog design samples in the dark, on a smart phone, through a veil of tears. Even then, I could sense that God was giving me a starting point. Using that one little email from a woman who had no idea how significantly my life had changed only hours earlier, the Lord was giving me a place to begin again, a place to pick up where life left off, an assignment to come back and finish at a time when I was thinking, “what’s the point”. He’s such a sweet Father.

So, I’m going to drop a date on you and then I have to run. Before I said my “good night” and got off the phone for the evening with someone special I promised said someone special that I’d be in the bed, lights out by 11pm. He knows I have to rise early in the a.m., so he tries to encourage me to get to bed at a decent hour. Isn’t he thoughtful?! Please, PLEASE don’t tell him it’s 11:02pm and I’m running a little late, ok?! 🙂 Thank you, my friend!

Anyhoo, here goes…

Ladies, I need you to save the date. Mark your calendars for Monday October 17th. I’m inviting each of you over to my new place. Maybe we’ll have an online tea party or something girly like that. We’ll see, but I hope you’ll save the date and plan to join me.

Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing more on how I felt the day I received the launch date and something I thought was special about it. Between now and then I’ll also try my best to use a few of my posts to paint a picture and take you on a tour (all using words, of course) of the new place. I hope you will enjoy the new place as much as I have already enjoyed just looking at the template for it! LOL… By the way did I tell you I was excited?

So, that’s what’s new with me. Now it’s your turn. What’s new with you?

Until next time….

Completely sleepy,

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Keena
    Sep 16, 2011 @ 11:06:43

    I’m happy that your place is shaping up. I can feel your excited through your words. BUT, Ii am so sorry to hear about your father. I have lost my dad too and can totally related to how you are feeling. Stay strong my friend!!


    • Monica P. Watkins
      Sep 22, 2011 @ 20:54:33

      Thank you for your encouragement, Keena! Believe me, it is greatly appreciated! I hope you’ll visit the new place on the 17th of next month! Stay tuned for more info. 🙂


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